Mumscat the kitty cat

 Este es Momo. También llamado Mumscat. Demasiado rebelde para vestir la joyería y adornos que compré para él, prefiere la desnudez. Seguro piensa que soy un ser altamente ridículo por mi obsesión a las capas al vestir.
This is Momo. Also called Mumscat. Too rebellious to wear jewelry and ornaments I bought for him, prefers nudity. Sure he thinks I'm a highly ridiculous for my obsession to wear layers.

Su locura de las 10:00 pm es un atentado demasiado adorable que dejará rasguños por todas partes que serán justificados por esos grandes ojos brillantes que dicen “te atacaré en cinco segundos como psicópata peludo”.

His 10:00 pm  madness  is a highly adorable attack, but surely is going to leave scratches everywhere,  justified by those big bright eyes that say "I will attack you in five seconds like a furry psychopath".

A pesar de mi terrible obsesión gatuna y gracias a mis múltiples alergias, momo es mi primera mascota felina y seguro no será la última. Le llame Momo por el libro de Michael Ende, cuyos pequeños hombres grises con cigarros grises sobre las calles grises quedaron estampados permanentemente en mi mente. Claro está, creí que sería hembra y que su temperamento sería más calmado. 

Despite my terrible obsession with cats and thanks to my multiple allergies, Momo is my first feline pet and definitly will not be the last. I called him Momo to honour the Michael Ende's book, whose little gray men with gray cigars on gray streets were permanently stamped on my mind. Of course, I thought it would be female and that his temperament would be calmer.

Do you live with pets? tell us about it! Vives con mascotas? Cuéntanos un poco de ellas!

This entry was posted on lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “Mumscat the kitty cat”

  1. Aaaaawww Momo is adoooooorable!!! I am a big cat lover myself, we usually have between 3-5 cats at a time. In fact, I've had cats at my home my entire life, since the day I was born we have always had cats. Right now we have 3 :)

  2. Wow! 3-5 cats! You are awesome! I bet Momo is not going to be my last kitty. :)

  3. Oh, Momo is just so precious! You guys enjoy each other!
    I just got a kitten too, two weeks ago. Check out Sweety:
    We also have the 10 pm playing rush. and the 6 am. and the 12 I don't think it ever stops!! But it's so nice to have someone so adorable waiting for you at home every day! :)
